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Itradi is intended for entertainment purposes only. Itradi is not an investment adviser, broker dealer, or financial institution and does not offer or provide financial advice. All information presented, including but not limited to any ideas, methodologies, strategies, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, or stock picks, expressed or implied herein, are for entertainment purposes only. Any content provided by Itradi.com, its subpages, its affiliated emails, videos or other media are the opinions of the authors and are not, and should never be relied upon as, investment advice. Itradi does not provide any express warranty, and disclaims all implied warranties, regarding the opinions and information shared by authors through Itradi. The information provided is general in nature and does not address any individual circumstances or risk tolerances, which may vary significantly. Any and all liability for outcomes resulting from investment transactions by students based on either information received or market analysis provided by individuals through Itradi is expressly excluded by Itradi. In light of the high risks involved with trading, you should only enact trades/transactions if you fully understand the risks involved and fully assess your risk potential, and we therefore recommend you speak with your professional advisors before enacting.
Results included or discussed within Itradi are the results of individuals. These results, comments, opinions, analyses, or other information or statements provided by the individuals through Itradi are general remarks and comments and are provided as an example only without specific recommendations for action. Any results discussed are provided for illustrative purposes only. Past performance does not give indication of future results. In addition, these results are not typical, and there is no express or implied promise, guarantee, or suggestion that you will be able to obtain the same results or any other specific outcome or result. Student results could vary and could depend on many factors including but not limited to background, experience, and work.